Barlow Hyperion 2.25x flowing 31.75 mm.
The Barlow Hyperion Baader lens has been designed for use with the eyepiece Zoom Mark III Clickstop Hyperion. The initial range of focal lengths from 8 to 24 mm is thus modified as a range of 3.5 to 10.5 mm with the Hyperion Barlow lens while maintaining exceptional image quality with high resolution for solar, lunar, planetary observation and observation and observation Stellar of binary stars.
Technical characteristics:
- Design: optical triplet with optimized quality
- Flatfield anastigmatic: plan plan with great sharpness in the entire visual field
- Multilayer optical treatments for maximum contrast and light transmission.
- Assembly possible:
- Assembly on the eyepiece Zoom Hyperion with adapter A on the flowing 31.75 mm.
- Assembly with dapter B on T2 thread (M42x0, 75mm).
Elements delivered:
- Barlow Hyperion 2,25 x
- Hyperion adapter
- B T2 adapter
- Dust caches